Regarding what will happen after the election....

If Harris wins there will be a lot of angry, broken-hearted people, but I believe civil disorder will be minimal or non-existent. Conservatives don't typically lose their mind and act impulsively and/or violently.

If Trump wins all hell will break loose and we will have considerable property damage and loss of life throughout the nation. Don't expect any of the gutless police chiefs from the last time to develop any intestinal fortitude to back up their people. It's worse now than it was then. More of these type of people have been put in leadership positions up and down the chain of command which means that there is even less support for the rank-and-file than there was before. Police leaders that did stand behind their people the last time will continue to do so, but keep in mind that many of them that did so lost their jobs and were replaced by geldings.

As far as rebuilding our police departments, that will take a very long time if Trump wins. It's not just about the number of officers or the pay. It will take A LOT of time and effort for current police officers to feel they are supported which translates to a lag in enforcing and upholding the law as we did a decade or so ago. The support, in dollars and in intangibles, MUST PRECEDE increased law enforcement and a return to enforcement of "normal" community standards of living. If Harris wins we will see the continued deterioration of policing in this nation. Officers will be struggling to do their basic jobs and the political left (including the courts) will continue to work to eliminate qualified immunity AND put officers in prison for just trying to do their job. In my opinion the lefts ultimate goal is to destroy American law enforcement to the point that the only "solution" will be to eliminate local law enforcement and create one federal system of law enforcement that can be controlled in Washington DC - the same type of law enforcement that is used in third-world and communist countries.

Retired Chief of Police

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I agree with your assertions, Dale, including about the left wanting to federalize law enforcement. What a frightening proposition.

Thanks as always, for reading and commenting!

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