It looks like a great year coming up. I would like to know more about the lack of support on H.R. 743 and some of the reasons why they are stepping back on it. Also, just FYI, I've done the first couple of modules on the Hillsdale course and it is excellent. I'm about 25% through it and my bookshelf has The Marxification of Education by Dr. James Lindsey and Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family, & Freedom – And How to Stop It by Alex Newman. Great job Paula!

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One explanation given was that this small group of Republicans didn't want federal interference in local issues. Yet some of these same Republican Committee members did co-sponsor the Justice Act in the 116th Congress, which would have resulted in some nationwide police "reforms." My question is: Why then, is it unacceptable to create federal legislation that can potentially save police officer lives?

Glad to hear that about the Hillsdale course. Can't wait to dig in! You sound like an avid reader, like me. : )

Thanks for your support!

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