Get Defending the Defenders for Free

Policing is no longer at a crossroads. We’ve passed that point. The situation is indeed dire, yet it’s still possible to change this trajectory.

It will, however, require all hands on deck.

I know how overwhelming it feels to want to help but not know where to start. Which is why I wrote Defending the Defenders, a short read (just 34 pages) filled with vetted ideas for supporting law enforcement, regardless of your current time commitment.

“Regrettably, because of a “perfect storm” of national narratives fueled by 24/7 negative news coverage, political posturing, riots, the isolationism of a pandemic, etc., the role of police in a free society has suffered immensely and now the police find themselves “playing from behind” and are desperate to re-establish bonds of trust with the constituents that they have pledged to serve and protect. . . .

“In the time I have known Paula, I would describe her as a person who has worn many hats—researcher, author, blogger, speaker,  promoter, and activist—committed to the proposition of advocating for police and the broader principles of public safety.  To this end, she has synthesized a resource manual that describes the variety of ways that people can get involved or be heard  in a myriad of ways.”

—Mike Koval, retired chief of police of the Madison Police Department (WI), generously wrote the forward.

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Simply email me at to request a copy and I will send you the link and password ASAP. Since I haven’t found a way to automate this process on Substack, there may be a delay in receiving the book. Please know, however, that I do read all my emails, and will eventually reply.

Thanks for your interest in what is arguably one of the most pressing issues of our time.